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First Year: XII pass
First attempt, 2021-22 students.
Second year: Students who have emolled with the College/Goa University at F.Y., have had requisite attendance at F. Y. and who have completed two I.S.A’s in each paper of F.Y. in both semesters.
Third Year: Students who have passed I, II, III & IV semester exams.

Criteria for selection on “first come first served” basis:

Preference will be given to 1′” attempt students.

Place of residence (locals on priority)

Receipt of admission form and fees paid within the specified time

Good conduct/character.

Collection of Documents

Bonafide/ Attempt/Character/Leaving Certificate shall be issued after four days from the date of application

If a student loses the mark sheet and wishes to apply for a duplicate mark sheet, a police complaint has to be filed (FIR) and an affidavit supporting the cause has to be enclosed to the forwarding application.

Duplicate mark sheet will be issued after a period of 15 days from the date of application. A search fee ofRs. 105/- per year from the year of examination and Rs. 200/- for the mark sheet will be charged for the same.

The application for the issue of a Duplicate Identity Card has to be enclosed with an affidavit supporting the cause. The Duplicate Identity Card will be issued two days after the date of application. The fees for the samewillbeRs. 50/-

If the original mark sheet in the first instance is not collected within the notified time, there will be a search
fee ofRs. 50/- if collected in the same yearandRs.l05/-peryearthereafter.